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D&J Brawdy Farms, Inc. 

 is focused on sustainability, minimal use of pesticides, and resource

conservation in its approach to business. The farm utilizes Integrated Pest Management tools, professional scouting, and the most modern growing techniques such as trickle irrigation to ensure a sustainable operation.


The Farm is also certified by the United States Department of Agriculture and the New York State Division of Agriculture and Markets through third party audit as a Harmonized Good Agriculture Practices (GAPS) producer for all commodities. D&J Brawdy Farms, Inc., also is an advocate for farmland protection, and as a result, in partnership with New York State and the Western New York Land Conservancy, has established a permanent agricultural easement on the farm to ensure it remains forever green, and in agricultural production.

© 2017 by D&J Brawdy Farms.

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